Here is a good article “5 Essential Tips for Financial Planning After Divorce” that gives you some important financial tips for the time after your divorce. I help many people who are going through a divorce, but what happens after the divorce is actually over? Well, there are many financial questions that come up after a divorce. As a Financial Advisor, I have addressed many such questions in my practice.
Emma Johnson Apps to Make Divorce Easier
Emma Johnson, of the Huffington Post, wrote this article about apps to make divorce easier. She has been writing good articles on divorce for many years. What with the new technology that we incorporate in our daily lives, it’s no wonder that there are now new apps for divorce. These apps help you organize your life so that it is easier to pay child support, find professionals to assist you through the legal and financial challenges, and even an app to help with co-parenting. I have not personally used these apps, but I can see where they may be useful to some of my clients.
Alan Speaks in front of Appropriations Committee
Here is the video:
Message from alan Frisher, “I’m sorry that Senator Benacquisto was offended by my remarks. I am fully aware that both men and women receive and pay alimony. I stated in my testimony that ‘if you are a receiver of alimony, you don’t want to work in leu of possibly losing that alimony gravy train.’ I didn’t deserve to be chastised by the good Senator, but I understand the controversy surrounding this issue and how she could have misinterpreted my words.”
Alan gets Interviewed by Channel 6 about Alimony Reform
“If it passes this session, House Bill 943 will put an end to permanent alimony and allow payers to retire without having to pay alimony to their former spouse.”
Click Here to read article and watch Alan discussing alimony reform on Orlando’s Channel 6.
Alan Frisher Trip to Tallahassee week of 03-09-2015 – Alimony Reform
On the week on March 09, 2015, Florida Alimony Reform’s president, Alan Frisher, went to Tallahassee to discuss alimony reform with state legislators. Among many legislators, Alan met with the new sponsors of this year’s alimony reform bills: Representative Colleen Burton and Senator Kelli Stargel.
Below are some pics taken during his visit there: